obligatory self-describing blurb

Hi! My name is Kristen, and I work on the web!

Here are some things I am or have been at some point in my life:

Outside of work I’m an amateur chef (I make a mean stew), a sci-fi/spec-fic enthusiast (with dreams of one day writing my own), a board game connoisseur (I’ll find a D&D group eventually), a budding pixel artist (as seen in the top left*), and a dabbler in exploring the great outdoors (I summitted a mountain once!).

I’m also a dog mom, and head over heels for my partner Liz ❤️.

I firmly believe that black lives matter, gender is fluid (I would know just a bit about that), all human beings are valid, and justice is not just unless it’s for everyone. My pronouns are she/her.

If you want to get in touch, you can shoot me an email at [email protected] or DM me on Matrix (apologies if I take a while to respond, I am perpetually busy).

This site is built using SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, and Google Fonts. It is hosted with Cloudflare Pages.

I use localStorage to track your theme preference, but otherwise I don’t store any information or use any tracking or analytics software, other than the basic pageviews/unique visitor counts from Cloudflare.